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Beneficial planet Jupiter and its transit - 2023


Who is Lord Guru?

Brihaspathi also known as Guru is a Hindu deity who counsels the devas(Gods). He is one of the 9 celestial bodies and refers to the largest planet in the solar system named Jupiter. As per rig veda , he is described as a sage born from the first great light, who drove away the darkness. Guru just needs things to happen in an ancestral way without breaking its law. and should maintain a forum. and he let others understand the importance of every law and follow it in the right manner. He personifies the form of Lord Shiva(Sri Dakshinamurthy) to bestow sharp knowledge to all mankind.

Affiliation with Astrology: He is responsible for assigning all the auspicious things in one's life. As we all know Jupiter is the most benefic planet of all the 9 planets.  The role of Jupiter is chiefly positive in our life, Jupiter is considered as Guru (Teacher) of all Devta planets, Sun, Moon, and Mars. Jupiter is a planet of blessings, optimism, success, and generosity, provided it is well placed in your horoscope. Along with him, other planets like the moon, Venus, and Mercury are benefic planets and Jupiter is one of the natural Dhana-karaka (significator of wealth), a strong Jupiter gives lifelong prosperity and financial stability.

Association with Horoscope: Jupiter is the reason for famous Yogas like ‘Gajakesari Yoga’ or a Pancha Maha Purusha Yoga like ‘Hamsa Yoga’ among many others. He manifests providing Gold and Finance, karaka for childbirth, sharp knowledge, Great mentors to other peoples, and Brilliancy towards Vedic & Modern education. According to the horoscope, if one gets beneficiary effects from Guru (sequel from Guru) in his/her natal/birth chart then it is set to be the right time for marriage.

Exact Position & Benefits in our birth chart: Astrology portrays that Jupiter rules over a ninth and twelfth house. In Kaal Purush Kundali in Vedic Astrology and is the significator of the second, fifth, ninth, tenth, and eleventh houses. Concerns with the Zodiac sign that he belongs to Sagittarius and Pisces and satvik by his nature.

Secrets of Guru Horary: You can find the Guru's horary in Panchanga and start proceeding with auspicious works, this horary is suitable for buying gold for the mangal sutra, buying wedding dresses, purchase of jewelry & ornaments, initializing Business startups, and booking flats & lands. Planning to start any new activity during this period of time, you will attain the fulfilments but it has to be legal and legitimate.

                                      Picture Courtesy: Photographed from Chennai Museum.

Jupiter transit  - 2023

Everyone eagerly waits for this transit to start their dealings which anticipates returning good results. Jupiter transit occurs exactly on 2023 April 22. Saturday early morning 4:24 am from Pisces zodiac sign to Aries zodiac sign and expecting the birth chart will provide us 70% benefits than current planetary position. This transit longs in Aries zodiac sign from 2023 April 22 to 2024 May 1 Wednesday 12:08 pm.

Let us see the Overall benefits for all zodiac signs

Aries, Scorpio, Gemini -  Very Very Good.

Pisces, Sagittarius, Leo - Very Good.

Aquarius, Libra, cancer - Neutral.

Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus - Slightly Neutral/Bad.

Below mentioned zodiac signs need Special focus.

Taurus (Venus) - Jupiter Transit 2023

Taurus - Represents the ruler of luxurious life.

Just need to be careful on your focused dates from Sep 4th to Dec 31. According to(Viaraya Guru)You may receive unexpected help from your friends, Besure what and why do you need it? Can buy land and there are a lot of possibilities for auspicious expenditures during this time. Avoid owning meaningless products and should take control against unwanted responsible for parents' monthly medical checkups.

Pharma, Hospitals, Agriculture, and Petroleum related industries will provide benefits over this period.

Virgo (Mercury) - Jupiter Transit 2023

Virgo - symbolizes the person with more intellectual and modern thoughts.

 (Asthama Guru) Plan for managing financial savings at a high level, because this period can let us remain our wallets dry. Say a big 'NO' for frequent credit card usage. Should Tightly grab the current work, can proceed with the notice paper only if you receive the offer letter from the next company. Avoid overthinking & confusion and start living the real life. Need to focus on Higher studies, which will gonna change Virgo's life to the next level. can develop physical activities like walking or jocking to attain refreshments.

Garments, Media, iron, land - related industries will provide benefits over this period.

Capricorn (Saturn) - Jupiter transit 2023

Capricorn - portrays a naturally hardworking trait.

(Sugasthana Guru) Be careful with giving assurance and promises to others it may chase you till it gets done. should avoid unproductive arguments in the team better go with the white flag to avoid unwanted conflicts. need to control anger for a particular time and develop for being calm, you can start initializing meditation or yoga and it helps to keep yourself calm. Decision-making requires proper mentors and family, Especially being clear in selecting a spouse to lead cherishable life. Your hard work surely gonna award you superior results, so just stay calm and grab your success.

Services-based, defense, Restaurants, pawn, private - related industries will provide benefits over this period.

Thank you & have a productive day .......!!



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